Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Goals 2011 - 2012

With September almost over I decided I NEED to set some goals for the year.  Not that I haven't had goals during my other years of teaching but this year I really want to make them a priority!  So my hope is that by posting them here on my blog.  I will be more likely to follow through.  So here goes . . . .
  • Keep blog up-to-date (going to post at least twice a month - I know not that great in blogging standards, but it's a start, right!)
  • Update school website with photos
  • Create Artist Visits with my school - I have 1 booked for October, but I would like 1 more in the spring
  • Acquire remaining funds for outdoor classroom = write a GRANT!  
  • Finish plan and "break ground"  for outdoor classroom . . . getting close!
  • Drink more water (OK, not a school goal but I need to do this too!) 
  • Delegate, Delegate!  Ask for help and let other take over some duties with Arts Night, etc.
  • Focus art projects on students success and enjoyment of ART!  

1 comment:

  1. Great goals! I find a checklist really keeps me focused and I have to admit, there's not a better feeling than crossing things off. Good luck with the school year!
